Pat and Amanda’s Boston Common Engagement Session

Not a lot of couples are down for an early morning engagement session. Our fall calendar was filling up fast and Pat and Amanda wanted to have their engagement session in the sweet Indian summer we are having here in Boston. When the prospect of that was looking grim, we all came to the conclusion that a crack of dawn session would work out the best. HIGH FIVE to these two! Morning light is delicious as you will see. Pat was such a great sport getting up early to snuggle his future wife in the morning sun. Who can blame him for being completely fine with that? Take a  look at his stunner of a fiance, Amanda. We really enjoyed being with these two, walking in the Commons, the Public Garden, Charles St, and Beacon Hill. We left them feeling high on life. We should do more morning sessions for sure! Pat and Amanda… thank you for spending your early morning with us and being so understanding of what early mornings can be like. 😉


We make photographs that tell the truth by becoming close to you and your story.


  1. Diana
    October 20, 2011

    omg omg omg! this is SOOOO stinkin’ cute! what a lovable couple 😀

  2. […] and Amanda… the couple we were late to their 6:00am engagement session for… sigh. Answering the phone that morning in my pajamas sent my blood to run cold. We felt […]


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